Sr. No. Title Description Start Date End Date Download/Details
41 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of October 2022. 03-10-2022 16-10-2022
42 District Social Security Office, Balangir.Advertisement for Setting up and running of District De-addiction Centre at Balangir District. 23-09-2022 07-10-2022
43 Program for Joint Hearing of Public Grievance for the month of September 2022. 03-09-2022 30-09-2022
44 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of September 2022. 16-09-2022 30-09-2022
45 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of September 2022 03-09-2022 16-09-2022
46 Publication of Selection list and Waiting list for admission into Class-XI (Science and Commerce) for session 2022-2023 in OAV, Patharchepa, Balangir. 29-08-2022 06-09-2022
47 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of August 2022. 16-08-2022 30-08-2022
48 Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya, Patharchepa, balangir. Advertisement for admission in to class XI(Science & Commerce) for session 2022-23. 19-08-2022 25-08-2022
49 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of August 2022. 01-08-2022 15-08-2022
50 Office of the Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir.(Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Section). Notice inviting objection applied for the Post of Technical Support Staff. 29-07-2022 05-08-2022