Sr. No. Title Description Start Date End Date Download/Details
51 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of July 2022. 16-07-2022 30-07-2022
52 Office of the President, DCDRC, Bolangir,Odisha.Application are invited from eligible persons who desirous to be Empanelled as Mediator for this District Commission. 18-07-2022 30-07-2022
53 Mobile Vision Center under SUNETRA programme, Balangir for the month of July 2022. Office of the CDM & PHO, Balangir. 02-07-2022 26-07-2022
54 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of July 2022. 01-07-2022 15-07-2022
55 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of June 2022. 16-06-2022 30-06-2022
56 Mobile Vision Center under SUNETRA programme, Balangir for the month of June 2022. Office of the CDM & PHO, Balangir. 02-06-2022 29-06-2022
57 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of June 2022. 01-06-2022 13-06-2022
58 Mobile Vision Center under SUNETRA programme, Balangir for the month of May 2022. Office of the CDM & PHO, Balangir. 02-05-2022 31-05-2022
59 Programme for Joint Hearing of public grievance in respect of Balangir District for the month of May 2022. 28-04-2022 31-05-2022
60 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of May 2022. 18-05-2022 31-05-2022