Sr. No. | Title | Description | Start Date | End Date | Download/Details |
11 | CDAO, Balangir. Publication of the list of farmers for submission of documents with regards to multiple registration of application in a plot under PMFBY | CDAO, Balangir. Publication of the list of farmers for submission of documents with regards to multiple registration of application in a plot under PMFBY for Kharif 2023. |
03-10-2023 | 31-10-2023 |
12 | Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of October 2023. | Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of October 2023.
02-10-2023 | 16-10-2023 |
13 | Office of the District Manager, Odisha State Civil Supplies corporation ltd, Balangir. Advertisement “for finalization of appointment of Transport contractors for transportation | Office of the District Manager, Odisha State Civil Supplies corporation ltd, Balangir. Advertisement “for finalization of appointment of Transport contractors for transportation of Paddy from Paddy Purchase centres(PPCs) to Rice Mills for KMS 2023-24. |
05-10-2023 | 16-10-2023 |
14 | Office of the CDVO, Balangir. Application are invited for participation in the selection process for the award “Outstanding Animal Welfare Organization”. | 08-08-2023 | 05-09-2023 |
15 | Programme for Joint Hearing of public grievance in respect of Balangir District for the month of July 2023. | 03-07-2023 | 31-07-2023 |
16 | Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of July 2023. | 17-07-2023 | 31-07-2023 |
17 | PMFBY-2023-Any complaint for rejection of registered application may be made with the Concerned Block Agriculture Officer/ Village Agriculture Worker with in 31.07.2023. | PMFBY-2023-Any complaint for rejection of registered application may be made with the Concerned Block Agriculture Officer/ Village Agriculture Worker with in 31.07.2023. OFFICE 0F THE CHIEF DISTRICT AGRICULTURE OFFICER, B0LANGIR. |
28-07-2023 | 30-07-2023 |
18 | Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of July 2023. | 01-07-2023 | 15-07-2023 |
19 | Tour Programme & Hqrs Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & DM, BGR for the 2nd fortnight of June,2023. | 17-06-2023 | 30-06-2023 |
20 | Mobile Vision Center under SUNETRA programme, Balangir for the month of June 2023. Office of the CDM & PHO, Balangir. | 01-06-2023 | 29-06-2023 |