Sr. No. Title Description Start Date End Date Download/Details
161 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Arindam Dakua, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of October 2018. 20-10-2018 15-11-2018
162 Notice No. 4198 Dt. 09.10.2018 Notice for Pradhamantri Awas Jojana Slum and Non-Slum Demand Survey List of Balangir Municipality 10-10-2018 22-10-2018
163 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Arindam Dakua, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of October 2018. 04-10-2018 15-10-2018
164 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Arindam Dakua, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of September 2018. 18-09-2018 30-09-2018
165 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Arindam Dakua, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of September 2018. 03-09-2018 15-09-2018
166 Notice inviting objection if any from the agencies applied for management of PHC(N) Baddukla of Balangir district through PPP Mode of Chief District Medical and Public Health Officer, Balangir. 05-09-2018 12-09-2018
167 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Arindam Dakua, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of August 2018. 18-08-2018 31-08-2018
168 Advt. No. No. 1457 Dt. 16.08.2018 Notice for taking admission in to MA (SANSKRIT)/M.SC (MATH) Course for the session 2018-19 of Principal, Rajendra College (Auto), Balangir. 18-08-2018 27-08-2018
169 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Arindam Dakua, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of August 2018. 01-08-2018 15-08-2018
170 Notice No. 1127 Dt. 23.07.2018 Public Notice for objections are invited if any by local area for Out-Still Liquor (Branch Shop) At-Siker intended by Govt. of Odisha, of District Excise Office Balangir. 24-07-2018 04-08-2018