S. No. Title Start Date End Date View/Downloads
111 MHTs Annual Microplan 2018-19 for Belpada MHT-II Download(2.72 MB)MHTs Annual Microplan 2018-19 for Belpada MHT-II
112 MHTs Annual Microplan 2018-19 for Belpada MHT-I Download(2.58 MB)MHTs Annual Microplan 2018-19 for Belpada MHT-I
113 MHTs Annual Microplan 2018-19 for Agalpur MHT-II Download(434.81 KB)MHTs Annual Microplan 2018-19 for Agalpur MHT-II
114 MHTs Annual Microplan 2018-19 for Agalpur MHT-I Download(488.35 KB)MHTs Annual Microplan 2018-19 for Agalpur MHT-I
115 Notice No. 1482 Dt. 17.09.2018 Notice for cancellation of Tehder Notice No. 1125/18-19/GMCH Dt. 24.07.2018 of Dean & Principal, Bhima Bhoi Medical College & Hospital, Balangir Download(277.73 KB)Notice No. 1482 Dt. 17.09.2018 Notice for cancellation of Tehder Notice No. 1125/18-19/GMCH Dt. 24.07.2018 of Dean & Principal, Bhima Bhoi Medical College & Hospital, Balangir
116 Small Saving Agents (MPKBY) List of Balangir District. Download(743.85 KB)Small Saving Agents (MPKBY) List of Balangir District.
117 Small Saving Agents (SSA) List of Balangir District. Download(252.2 KB)Small Saving Agents (SSA) List of Balangir District.
118 Order No. 1510 Dt. 06.10.2018 Office Order for appointed and posted as Officers-in-Change (OIC) of the Excise Stations of Balangir District. Download(1.77 MB)Order No. 1510 Dt. 06.10.2018 Office Order for appointed and posted as Officers-in-Change (OIC) of the Excise Stations of Balangir District.
119 Notice No. 2172 Dt. 11.10.2018 Annual Departmental Examination and Office Procedure etc. for the year 2018. Download(994.41 KB)Notice No. 2172 Dt. 11.10.2018 Annual Departmental Examination and Office Procedure etc. for the year 2018.
120 Guideline to the Candidates for Online Registration for Job Seeker in Employment Exchanges Download(1.49 MB)Guideline to the Candidates for Online Registration for Job Seeker in Employment Exchanges