Sr. No. Title Description Start Date End Date Download/Details
101 Publication of Provisional Gradation list of Level-IV Headmasters (Category A & B) of Balangir District as on 01.08.2021. 03-09-2021 09-09-2021
102 Publication of Provisional Gradation list of Level- V (B) Senior Teachers (Arts Graduate, Science Graduate and UnderGraduate) of Balangir District. 03-09-2021 09-09-2021
103 Publication of Provisional Gradation list of Level- V (A) Assistant Teachers (Category A & B) of Balangir District as on 01.08.2021. 03-09-2021 09-09-2021
104 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of August 2021. 24-08-2021 31-08-2021
105 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of August 2021. 02-08-2021 13-08-2021
106 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of July 2021 16-07-2021 30-07-2021
107 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of July 2021. 01-07-2021 15-07-2021
108 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of April 2021.(315 kb) 16-04-2021 30-04-2021
109 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 1st Fortnight of April 2021. (315 kb) 01-04-2021 15-04-2021
110 Tour Programme & HQRS. Engagement of Sri Chanchal Rana, IAS, Collector & District Magistrate, Balangir for the 2nd Fortnight of March 2021.(1mb) 16-03-2021 31-03-2021