Sr. No. Title Description Start Date End Date Download/Details
31 Publication of provisionally selected for the post of TGT social studies, OAV Tentulikhunti, Gudvela. 11-08-2023 11-08-2023 2023081491.pdf (755.22 KB)
32 Proclamation of Alienation Case, Tahasil Kantabanji. 04-08-2023 04-08-2023 2023080463.pdf (745.33 KB)
33 Proclamation of Alienation Case, Tahasil Kantabanji. 04-08-2023 04-08-2023 2023080485.pdf (433.74 KB)
34 Notice for Engagement order for the post of Part Time Instructor in Art Education, Office of the DEO & DPC, Samagra Shiksha, Balangir. 31-07-2023 31-07-2023 2023073122.pdf (381.55 KB)
35 Proclamation of case, Bangomunda Tahasil 28-07-2023 28-07-2023 2023072851.pdf (2.85 MB)
36 Proclamation of Alienation Case, Tahasil Kantabanji. 25-07-2023 25-07-2023 2023072594.pdf (372.17 KB)
37 RFP No.301/Elec.,Dt 27.08.2021 in connection with preparation and printing of Electoral Rolls and preparation of Electors Photo Identity Cards for Balangir District is hereby Cancelled. 18-07-2023 18-07-2023 2023071892.pdf (156.59 KB)
38 Proclamation case, Tahasil Kantabanji. 03-07-2023 03-07-2023 2023070348.pdf (369.56 KB) , Alternate File : View (392 KB) (391.55 KB)
39 Advertisement for online apply for entrance exam for class VI for the year for 2024, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Belpada. 27-06-2023 27-06-2023 2023062757.pdf (133.52 KB)
40 Publication of final selected list of candidates of the vacant post of teaching staff of three numbers of Special schools of RSD, Saintala. 29-05-2023 08-06-2023 View Document (1.05 MB)