S. No. Title Start Date End Date View/Downloads
171 Biju Swasthya Kalyana Yojana (B.S.K.Y.) Download(1.37 MB)Biju Swasthya Kalyana Yojana (B.S.K.Y.)
172 Selected list of beneficiaries under Mukshyamantri Kalakara Sahayata Yojana 2018-19 of Balangir District (4.19 MB) Download(4.2 MB)Selected list of beneficiaries under Mukshyamantri Kalakara Sahayata Yojana 2018-19 of Balangir District (4.19 MB)
173 Notice No. 2617 Dt. 22.12.2018 Notice to applicants for collect the Admit Card for appearing of Annual Departmental Examination on Accounts and Officer Procedure etc. for the year 2018. Download(341.95 KB)Notice No. 2617 Dt. 22.12.2018 Notice to applicants for collect the Admit Card for appearing of Annual Departmental Examination on Accounts and Officer Procedure etc. for the year 2018.
174 Notice No. 389 Dt. 02.04.2019 Regarding verification of daily expenditure on election of the contesting candidates. ( 97 KB) Download(96.63 KB)Notice No. 389 Dt. 02.04.2019 Regarding verification of daily expenditure on election of the contesting candidates. ( 97 KB)
175 Notice No. 2788 Dt. 01.10.2018 Notice for Permission for Fire Cracker Shop for Occasion of Deepawali-2018. Download(452.31 KB)Notice No. 2788 Dt. 01.10.2018 Notice for Permission for Fire Cracker Shop for Occasion of Deepawali-2018.
176 Assembly Constituency wise list of Micro Observers deployed in Balangir District in connection with Simultaneous General Election 2019. (84 KB) Download(84.28 KB)Assembly Constituency wise list of Micro Observers deployed in Balangir District in connection with Simultaneous General Election 2019. (84 KB)
177 Appointment Order of Micro Observers deployed in Balangir District in connection with Simultaneous General Election 2019. (194 KB) Download(193.9 KB)Appointment Order of Micro Observers deployed in Balangir District in connection with Simultaneous General Election 2019. (194 KB)
178 Judgement of Honble Supreme Court on Case No. SLA (C) No(s) 29985-29988/2017 (1 MB) Download(1.4 MB)Judgement of Honble Supreme Court on Case No. SLA (C) No(s) 29985-29988/2017 (1 MB)
179 Notice No. 1178 Dt. 04.06.2019 Provisional selected list of students taking admission in ANWESHA Scheme for the year 2019-20 of District Welfare Officer, Balangir . (4 MB) Download(3.66 MB)Notice No. 1178 Dt. 04.06.2019 Provisional selected list of students taking admission in ANWESHA Scheme for the year 2019-20 of District Welfare Officer, Balangir . (4 MB)
180 Notice No. 1491 Dated 18.06.2019 Extension of last date of submission of application from for admission into PG/ MPhil/ 3 Yr integrated BEd/ 2 Yr BEd Course 2019-20 of Rajendra College (Auto) Balangir. (235 KB) Download(234.91 KB)Notice No. 1491 Dated 18.06.2019 Extension of last date of submission of application from for admission into PG/ MPhil/ 3 Yr integrated BEd/ 2 Yr BEd Course 2019-20 of Rajendra College (Auto) Balangir. (235 KB)